2020 Vol. 40, No. 3
Article Contents

Wang Zhonglei, Zheng Hongbo, Mei Xi, Meng Xiangjun, Qiang Xiaoke. Magnetic stratigraphy of boreholes in the north of Liaodong Bay and its significance[J]. Quaternary Sciences, 2020, 40(3): 616-632. doi: 10.11928/j.issn.1001-7410.2020.03.03
Citation: Wang Zhonglei, Zheng Hongbo, Mei Xi, Meng Xiangjun, Qiang Xiaoke. Magnetic stratigraphy of boreholes in the north of Liaodong Bay and its significance[J]. Quaternary Sciences, 2020, 40(3): 616-632. doi: 10.11928/j.issn.1001-7410.2020.03.03

Magnetic stratigraphy of boreholes in the north of Liaodong Bay and its significance

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  • The sedimentary history and characteristics of the Liaodong Bay area is an important window to determine the tectonic evolution and geographical pattern formation process of the Bohai Sea since Late Cenozoic. The Liaodong Bay is also the only area in Bohai Sea that lacks of accurate chronology framework for the long sequence research. Based on grain size analysis, magnetostraitigraphy, AMS 14C and OSL dating data, this study constructed a chronological framework for holes JXC-1 and YKC-2 in the north of Liaodong Bay. The JXC-1 hole is located at 40°24'43.38″N, 121°03'23.37″E, where the water depth is about 22 m. The drilling footage of the JXC-1 hole is 70.3 m with the coring rate of 89.2%. The YKC-2 hole is located at 40°25'53.95″N, 121°36'30.20″E, where the water depth is about 14 m. The drilling footage of the YKC-2 hole is 70.1 m with the coring rate of 85.3%. The paleomagnetic results showed that the bottom boundary age of the hole JXC-1 and YKC-2 are 1.2 Ma and 0.7 Ma, respectively. According to the age-depth model, the hole JXC-1 can be divided into two stages: the buried depth of stage Ⅰ(0~0.78 Ma)is 0~45.18 m, and sediments are mainly composed of slit and fine sand. The buried depth of stage Ⅱ(0.78~1.20 Ma)is 45.18~70.30 m, sediment is dominated by silt. Results show that the core from the hole JXC-1 consists of two normal magnetozones, which can be correlated to Brunhes and Jaramillo. The age of hole YKC-2 is within the Brunhes normal Chron. Combined with referenced magnetostraitigraphy of cores in this area, in the northern part of Liaodong Bay, the sedimentary thickness is thicker at the eastern part than the western part since Late Pleistocene. The deposition is relatively continuous in the whole Bohai Sea and its surrounding area in the Late Quaternary. The sediment thickness gradually thins from the Bozhong depression to surrounding areas. On the basis of the control of the neotectonic basement in the neotectonics in the superimposed regions, sedimentary thickness differences can be attributed to the neotectonic movement in the superimposed regions. The neotectonic movement in Liaodong Bay is influenced mainly by the activity of the Tanlu Fault since Late Pleistocene.

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通讯作者: 陈斌, bchen63@163.com
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    沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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