
姜大膀, 田芝平. 末次冰盛期和全新世中期东亚地区水汽输送的模拟研究[J]. 第四纪研究, 2017, 37(5): 999-1008. doi: 10.11928/j.issn.1001-7410.2017.05.07
引用本文: 姜大膀, 田芝平. 末次冰盛期和全新世中期东亚地区水汽输送的模拟研究[J]. 第四纪研究, 2017, 37(5): 999-1008. doi: 10.11928/j.issn.1001-7410.2017.05.07
姜大膀, 田芝平. 末次冰盛期和全新世中期东亚地区水汽输送的模拟研究[J]. 第四纪研究, 2017, 37(5): 999-1008. doi: 10.11928/j.issn.1001-7410.2017.05.07 Jiang Dabang, Tian Zhiping. Last Glacial Maximum and mid-Holocene water vapor transport over East Asia:A modeling study[J]. Quaternary Sciences, 2017, 37(5): 999-1008. doi: 10.11928/j.issn.1001-7410.2017.05.07
Citation: Jiang Dabang, Tian Zhiping. Last Glacial Maximum and mid-Holocene water vapor transport over East Asia:A modeling study[J]. Quaternary Sciences, 2017, 37(5): 999-1008. doi: 10.11928/j.issn.1001-7410.2017.05.07



    姜大膀, 男, 43岁, 研究员, 气候动力学和古气候模拟, E-mail:jiangdb@mail.iap.ac.cn, 2013年获第三届刘东生青年地球科学家奖; 2012年获国家优秀青年科学基金, 2016年获国家杰出青年科学基金

  • 中图分类号: P534.63;P532

Last Glacial Maximum and mid-Holocene water vapor transport over East Asia:A modeling study

  • 利用国际古气候模拟比较计划最新第3阶段中9个气候模式针对末次冰盛期、13个气候模式针对全新世中期的数值试验数据,集中研究了这两个时期东亚地区的水汽输送变化。结果表明,相对于工业革命前期,末次冰盛期东亚地区冬季异常水汽输送主要来自跨赤道气流和西北太平洋,东亚大陆沿岸及其临近海域为主要的水汽异常辐合区,对应冬季净降水量增加,异常辐散区主要位于热带海洋和西北太平洋,净降水量减少;夏季,东亚地区异常水汽输送通量以辐散为主,大部分地区净降水量减少,对应东亚夏季风减弱。全新世中期东亚地区冬季水汽输送变化较弱,东南部及临近海域和赤道中太平洋为异常辐散区,不利于冬季净降水;夏季异常水汽输送分别来自热带中西太平洋广阔洋面和西北太平洋异常反气旋式环流西南侧,东亚大陆大部分地区为水汽异常辐合区,夏季净降水量增加,对应东亚夏季风增强。两个时期外强迫驱动下的经向温度梯度、海陆热力对比和大气含水量变化是上述冬、夏季东亚水汽输送异常的主因。

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  • 图 1 


    Figure 1. 

    Relative to the pre-industrial period, the LGM and mid-Holocene changes of water vapor transport flux(arrows, units: kg/m/s)and its divergence(shading, units:mm/day; negative represents convergence and positive represents divergence).(a, b)are results of 9 models, (c, d)are results of 13 models; (a, c)are for winter(December, January, and February), (b, d)are for summer (June, July, and August). The water vapor transport flux is integrated from the surface to 300hPa

    图 2 


    Figure 2. 

    Relative to the pre-industrial period, the LGM and mid-Holocene changes of net precipitation(precipitation minus evaporation, units: mm/day). (a, b)are results of 9 models, (c, d)are results of 13 models; (a, c)are for winter (December, January, and February), (b, d)are for summer(June, July, and August)

    图 3 

    图 1,但为850hPa水汽输送通量(箭头,单位:10-3m/s)及其散度(填色,单位:10-3/day)变化空白区表示地形高度大于1500m的区域

    Figure 3. 

    Same as Fig. 1, but for changes of 850hPa water vapor transport flux(arrows, units:10-3m/s) and its divergence(shading, units:10-3/day). Regions with an elevation above 1500m are left blank

    图 4 

    相对于工业革命前期,末次冰盛期和全新世中期地表 2m气温(单位:℃)变化

    Figure 4. 

    Relative to the pre-industrial period, the LGM and mid-Holocene changes of surface air temperature at 2m(units:℃).

    图 5 


    Figure 5. 

    Relative to the pre-industrial period, the LGM and mid-Holocene changes of water vapor content(units: %).

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收稿日期:  2017-05-31
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刊出日期:  2017-09-30
