
刘向军, 赖忠平, DavidB. Madsen, 李国强, 于禄鹏, 黄昶, 陈发虎. 晚第四纪青海湖高湖面研究[J]. 第四纪研究, 2018, 38(5): 1166-1178. doi: 10.11928/j.issn.1001-7410.2018.05.11
引用本文: 刘向军, 赖忠平, DavidB. Madsen, 李国强, 于禄鹏, 黄昶, 陈发虎. 晚第四纪青海湖高湖面研究[J]. 第四纪研究, 2018, 38(5): 1166-1178. doi: 10.11928/j.issn.1001-7410.2018.05.11
刘向军, 赖忠平, DavidB. Madsen, 李国强, 于禄鹏, 黄昶, 陈发虎. 晚第四纪青海湖高湖面研究[J]. 第四纪研究, 2018, 38(5): 1166-1178. doi: 10.11928/j.issn.1001-7410.2018.05.11 Liu Xiangjun, Lai Zhongping, David B. Madsen, Li Guoqiang, Yu Lupeng, Huang Chang, Chen Fahu. Late Quaternary highstands of Qinghai Lake, Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau[J]. Quaternary Sciences, 2018, 38(5): 1166-1178. doi: 10.11928/j.issn.1001-7410.2018.05.11
Citation: Liu Xiangjun, Lai Zhongping, David B. Madsen, Li Guoqiang, Yu Lupeng, Huang Chang, Chen Fahu. Late Quaternary highstands of Qinghai Lake, Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau[J]. Quaternary Sciences, 2018, 38(5): 1166-1178. doi: 10.11928/j.issn.1001-7410.2018.05.11


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Late Quaternary highstands of Qinghai Lake, Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau

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  • 中国西北地区众多封闭湖泊湖岸堤的光释光(OSL)测年结果表明,"大湖"存在于深海氧同位素第5阶段(MIS 5)或者更早,而不是MIS 3阶段。由于高湖面测年结果的变化,我们对中国西北以及青藏高原地区湖泊对晚第四纪冰期-间冰期旋回气候变化响应的认识也随之改变。本研究对青海湖周边的湖岸堤、湖相沉积物、冲积和风成沉积物进行光释光测年,重建了青海湖末次间冰期以来的高湖面演化历史,得到以下结论:1)最高湖面(拔湖26~66 m)出现在MIS 5时期;2)MIS 3c时期湖面高出现在约13~17 m,但是在MIS 3a阶段湖面下降至接近于中全新世湖面高度;3)全新世最高湖面出现在距今约5.1 ka,湖面至少高出现在9.1 m,之后在约2 ka前再一次出现高湖面,高出现在湖面约8 m。青海湖高湖面的拔湖高度从MIS 5a到MIS 3时期,再到全新世是依次降低的,使得早期的湖岸堤没有被后期高湖面破坏而较好的保存了下来。

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  • 图 1 


    Figure 1. 

    Location of Qinghai Lake

    图 2 


    Figure 2. 

    Remnant high-level shoreline features surround the Qinghai Lake identified from satellite images, and the Qinghai Lake (a) and the locations of satellite images of(b~f)

    图 3 


    Figure 3. 

    Satellite image of barrier bars at the mouth of the Daotang River on the eastern margin of Qinghai Lake: (1)Holocene-modern shoreline features; (2)EH2 and EH3 sampling locality; (3)Area of Holocene-modern storm surge reworking of MIS 3 shoreline features; (4)MIS 3 barrier bars

    图 4 


    Figure 4. 

    Barrier bar/back bay lagoon complexes in the mouth of the Daotang "River". Green:Holocene complex at 3194~3205 m; Blue:MIS 3 complex at 3210~3213 m; Red:MIS 5 complex at 3230~3260 m. The MIS 5 and MIS 3 shoreline elevations are estimated from the elevations of relatively few exposures not buried under Late Quaternary alluvium

    图 5 

    (a) 二郎剑采样点ELJ1剖面上部正视图

    Figure 5. 

    (a)Front view of the upper part of ELJ1 section.

    图 6 

    青海湖MIS 3时期的湖岸堤和近岸沉积物

    Figure 6. 

    Qinghai Lake localities with shoreline or nearshore sediments dating to MIS 3: (a)and (b) Shoreline sandy gravels underlying surface loess at locality ELJ5; (c)Bedded sands and gravels underlying Holocene-modern shoreline coarse sands at locality ELJ7; (d)Shoreline gravels and sandy gravels underlying surface loess at locality EH2; (e)Ripple-laminated sands underlying surface loess and bajada alluvium at locality QHHH3

    图 7 


    Figure 7. 

    Foreset bedded sands in the ca. 3255 m spit exposed at locality Hongkou. The person is ca. 1.7 m in height

    图 8 

    青海湖东岸HK17 (a)和QGHE2 (b)采样剖面照片

    Figure 8. 

    The photos of sampling sections of HK17 (a)and QGHE2 (b)at the eastern margin of the Qinghai Lake

    图 9 

    晚第四纪13万年(130 ka)以来青海湖湖面水位变化曲线,数据来源于本文和文献[2, 4, 31~36]

    Figure 9. 

    Qinghai Lake water level fluctuation curve for the last ca.130 ka based on data reported here and in papers[2, 4, 31~36]. Dots represent mean quartz OSL ages/elevations for shoreline samples reported here. Open rhombus represent K-feldspar post-IR IRSL ages/elevations. Solid lines indicate increased confidence in lake surface reconstructions; dotted lines represent tentative reconstructions. Black dotted line represent modern lake level at 3194 m a.s.l.

    表 1 


    Table 1. 

    Quartz optically stimulated luminescence(OSL)ages and associated dosimetry data

    样品编号 海拔
    QHHH1 3198 38~63 1.820±0.093 8.763±0.219 2.057±0.154 15±5 2.75±0.21 92.4±3.8 33.6±2.9
    QHHH3-A 3198 38~63 2.286±0.064 13.310±0.306 3.026±0.170 15±5 3.66±0.26 141.40±14.0 38.6±4.7
    QHHH3-B 3197 38~63 2.029±0.061 13.010±0.299 3.120±.0178 15±5 3.45±0.25 146.9±11.1 42.5±4.4
    EH2-B 3208.9 38~63 1.718±0.056 6.535±0.176 1.630±0.122 10±5 2.68±0.19 113.0±3.5 42.1±3.2
    EH3-A 3209.3 38~63 2.098±0.069 6.102±0.317 0.869±0.149 10±5 2.80±0.21 113.7±1.7 40.6±3.0
    ELJ5-B 3206.2 38~63 2.040±0.100 6.268±0.182 1.450±0.141 10±5 2.95±0.22 112.1±2.2 38.0±2.9
    ELJ6 3199.6 38~63 1.693±0.103 7.316±0.190 1.707±0.121 15±5 2.61±0.19 97.8±3.2 37.5±3.0
    ELJ7 3196.8 38~63 2.086±0.077 6.073±0.261 1.265±0.195 15±5 2.76±0.20 110.4±3.1 40.0±3.1
    ELJ1-C 3203.9 38~63 1.500±0.056 10.794±0.281 2.540±0.119 10±5 2.82±0.21 192.6±14.5 68.4±7.2
    ELJ1-D 3203 38~63 1.440±0.051 10.564±0.111 2.318±0.110 20±5 2.52±0.17 177.6±10.0 70.3±6.2
    ELJ1-E 3202.2 38~63 1.766±0.046 10.720±0.358 1.683±0.222 20±5 2.62±0.19 197.3±5.6 75.3±5.8
    ELJ1-F 3201.8 38~63 1.664±0.057 9.902±0.416 2.885±0.263 20±5 2.75±0.20 195.4±8.3 71.0±6.0
    ELJ1-G 3200.9 38~63 1.540±0.057 11.254±0.226 1.883±0.105 20±5 2.49±0.18 184.1±4.6 73.8±5.5
    ELJ1-H 3200.2 38~63 1.603±0.042 11.700±0.400 2.844±0.282 20±5 2.78±0.20 209.9±7.5 75.6±6.1
    ELJ1-I 3196.9 38~63 1.420±0.054 10.361±0.345 2.946±0.129 20±5 2.34±0.18 210.6±7.0 90.2±7.5
    ELJ1-J 3196.8 38~63 1.427±0.040 10.560±0.412 2.508±0.256 20±5 2.45±0.18 226.4±5.63 92.6±7.2
    下载: 导出CSV

    表 2 

    长石post-IR IRSL290测年样品放射性剂量测量及测年结果

    Table 2. 

    The feldspar post-IR IRSL290 dosimetry and dating results

    样品编号 测试粒径
    QH14-1 90~125 290 308.21±9.71 22.24±0.53 1.46±0.07 8.73±0.26 2.86±0.07 20±5 0.14 3.83±0.17 74.71±4.38
    QH14-2 90~125 290 327.08±8.65 24.44±0.59 1.30±0.07 6.08±0.19 2.42±0.07 20±5 0.14 3.27±0.14 92.63±5.05
    HK17 150~180 290 180.0±9.70 10.0±0.50 1.10±0.20 5.13±0.32 1.30±0.04 20±5 0.14 2.46±0.10 76.1±4.2
    QGHE2-17 150~180 290 262.6±8.70 20.0±0.50 1.04±0.10 4.56±0.13 1.63±0.05 20±5 0.14 2.56±0.10 94.4±4.5
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