Studies on the crop processing of naked barley of Early Iron Age in ancient Turpan of Xinjiang
Abstract:Many plant remains are well preserved in the archaeological sites or cemeteries in Turpan of Xinjiang due to the dry environment there. In the present study, well-preserved chaff remains of naked barley were excavated from three sites representative of the Subeixi culture(1000 BC~100 A.D.):Yanghai cemetery(42°48'N, 89°39'E), Shengjindian cemetery(42°56'N, 89°11'E), and the Yu'ergou site(42°29'N, 87°52'E). Based on our observation, all the barley remains were in a compressed condition. Furthermore, no complete ear was discovered. All fragments we observed consisted of smaller clusters spikelets. We classified these as either of two types:1)Short fragments with 1 or 2 spikelets(50.9%~61.3% frequency); and 2)long fragments retaining 3 or more spikelets(38.7%~49.1% frequency)(see Table 1).
We designed a simulation experiment to study the crop processing of naked barley with primary emphasis on the threshing method. We collected modern specimens from the Tibetan Plateau and processed them using three primitive methods:hand rubbing, hand tossing, and stick striking. Nearly all ears maintained a complete set of spikelets in simulations involving hand rubbing and hand tossing. In contrast, ears threshed by stick striking separated into fragments with a spikelet distribution similar to those found in the ancient collections. In the modern simulation involving stick striking, 43% of fragments were classified as short and 57% as long. This pattern closely matches those observed in the archaeological remain. Thus, we infer that the indigenous people of Turpan threshed naked barley using a stick striking method in the early Iron Age.
Key words:
- Subeixi culture /
- crop processing /
- Yanghai cemetery /
- Shengjindian cemetery /
- Yu'ergou site
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